1·Run salon of family of a diminutive, host needs to undertaking complete preparation beforehand.
2·When being confronted with opportunities and challenges, we should face up to them bravely with complete preparation.
3·From June 2006 to June 2007 3gpp will make use of about one year to complete preparation of core technology specifications.
4·The bank in Liaoning's capital city of Shenyang will complete preparation in six months and then file an operation application to CBRC's Liaoning office.
5·Follow these steps to complete the deployment and preparation of the example portlet.
6·The two sides are keeping close communication and cooperation to make full preparation for the visit and make it a complete success together.
7·To deploy your configuration in preparation for testing, complete the following steps.
8·She said that schools were giving four, five and 11-year-olds several worksheets to complete during the Easter holidays in preparation for key stage two Sats tests next term.
9·Was the correct and complete breakfast order served within 10 minutes of order, unless the waiter informed the agent of an expected delay (i. e. due to longer preparation times)?
10·The Hall of Complete Harmony served as a rest and preparation room when emperors were going to present ceremonies in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.